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4 CNA Recruiting Ideas for 2018

Has your business stopped growing because you lack quality caregivers?

Today's CNA recruiting market is incredibly competitive. We know firsthand how challenging it is to get qualified caregivers in the door. We're here to help! We're the caregiver recruiting experts and we have several ideas to help you recruit high-quality CNAs.

1) Recruiting is marketing.

First, you need to approach recruitment like marketing. You are the one offering a job but, most candidates are being pursued by multiple agencies at any given time. You have to sell them on your company. What makes your company stand out? Why would a great caregiver want to work for you?

Remember to market towards your ideal candidate. Not every caregiver out there is a great fit for you. If you're looking for highly professional, caring CNAs, your job ads and communication should appeal to those candidates. This means you're being respectful, speaking to them as professionals, and showing how your company cares about your patients. At Strategic Healthcare Solutions, we have optimized every communication we send to candidates to appeal to the highest quality candidates.

2) Understand what the best CNAs and caregivers are looking for.

Building on the last point, you should know what the best caregivers are looking for. If you want caregivers who provide high quality care, tell them how your company gives them opportunities to do that. Emphasize the time they have to connect to patients, the support your company gives them, and how much you care about your mission.

Low-quality caregivers don't care what your mission is; high-quality caregivers want to provide the best care.

3) Make your hiring process as efficient as possible.

Did you know the number one reason caregivers work for a particular provider is because that's the first job they applied for/ job they were offered?*

That means the most important thing you can do is make it easy for caregivers to get in the door and get a job offer. You may want to consider extending a conditional job offer while you work on credentialing a caregiver. If your staff is running out of time to contact new applicants, consider getting help with your CNA recruiting.

4) Get help with your CNA recruiting strategy.

Your business depends on quality caregivers. If you're pouring time and money into CNA recruiting and still not getting the results you need, consider bringing in outside help. At Strategic Healthcare Solutions, we offer cost-effective plans to get ongoing help with your caregiver recruiting. Contact us today for a custom quote.


*2017 HomeCare Benchmarking Study

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